Monday, January 13, 2014

前往龟咯公共交通(马新第二通道) Public Transport To Kukup (Second Link)

其实从新加坡出发前往龟咯(笨珍),除了前文所提及的通过新柔长缇,还可以通过马新第二通道 (Second Link)

From Singapore, other than taking the conventiaonal route via the JB causeway towards Kukup (Pontian), there is another route if you are taking public transportation, that is going through Second Link (Linkedua), Tuas.

以马新第二通道的公交简略描述如下:Summary of the public transportation route (via secondlink) as below:

裕廊东地铁站Jurong East MRT-> 新加坡海关 Singapore Custom 〉马来西亚海关Malaysia Custom〉振林山 Gelang Patah> 笨珍 Pontian > 龟咯 Kukup 

                                           Jurong East MRT bus interchange  裕廊东地铁站巴士转换站
注1:从新加坡关卡至马来西亚关卡,只要是causeway link 公司的巴士都可以上车,因为去到马来西亚还是一样得下车办理入境手续。

P/S1: You can board any Causeway Link buses from Singapore Custom heading towards Malaysia Custom, be it the same bus you took from Jurong East MRT or originated from Boon Lay MRT, as all will still to alight at Malaysian Custom for clearance.

注2:在马来西亚关卡办理入境手续后,得注意一定得乘搭往Gelang Patah 振林山为终点的巴士 CW4 ,巴士停靠的位置通常是便利商店外,有时却在马路外,上车前一定要问司机或在在那里执勤的causeway link员工:“Gelang Patah?"

P/S 2: Do take note to board on the CW4 Causeway Link bound for Gelang Patah , which normally parked at the first bus bay in front of the convenience shop. It's always a good idea to ask double check with the bus driver or the Causeway Link worker ("Gelang Patah") before boarding on the bus. Sometime bus parked outside the shelter, due to other buses occupancy of the lane.

                                       Interior of Causeway Link Bus (@Gelang Patah)  巴士内观 (摄于振林山)
注3:振林山往笨珍的causeway link 巴士号码为52T,车费为马币4.20,这不是一条巴士频密的路线,以同一辆巴士不断来回振林山与笨珍,所以如果错过了得等上2或3小时(周末通常每2小时一趟,除了午餐时间),详情可以参考causewaylink 的网页.

P/S 3: Take the Causeway Link bus 52T from Gelang Patah to Pontian. Due to the fact that this route is not a popular route, thus there is only a bus arranged to back and flo Gelang Patah and Pontian. So you will have to wait for 2 or 3 hours if you miss the bus (For weekend, will be 2 hours for the next trip except lunch hour-3 hours). For detail bus time table, please visit their website for details.

注4:如果错过了52T巴士,只能乘搭德士,不过你有2个选择:要省钱还是省时间。省钱就乘德士往凤梨镇 Pekan Nanas后(吩咐司机停在大众银行Public bank那里的巴士站),转任何往笨珍的巴士(一般是从larkin 开来的Maju 96巴士,费用是2 马币)。省时间就乘德士直往笨珍好了。(德士收费:往凤梨镇 RM25, 往笨珍 RM40-50; 司机不使用计表,小心被砍菜头)

P/S 4: If you do miss the 52T bus, the only option for you is the taxi. But you do have 2 options in taxi - budget or the convenient way. For budget mode, take taxi to Pekan Nanas, and board any bus towards Pontian (Normally it's Maju 96 bus from Larkin, RM2 from Pekan Nanas to Pontian); For convenience, take the taxi straight to Pontian or Kukup ! Taxi fare from Gelang Patah to Pekan Nanas RM 25, while going Pontian cost RM40 to 50, drivers will not use the meter, so beware being quoted high)

                            Causeway Link Bus (@Gelang Patah Bus Station)  停候的巴士 (摄于振林山巴士总站)


Even though going to Kukup via the second link (Gelang Patah) is more complexed and you will be troubled have to prepare the small change in Ringgit (bus driver does not give the change) . But my personal opinion is commute via secondlink tends to save the time and traffic smoother provided you able to catch the 52T bus (exceptional during long weekend or school holiday)

Friday, March 9, 2012

前往龟咯公共交通 Public Transport To Kukup


If you are not any Kukup hotel guest which they includes in transportation for you to pick up from the Johor Bahru Custom, then you could also take the public transport to Kukup- this fishing village located at South west Malaysia Peninsula  . And the bus fare aint expensive yet timing consuming.

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如果从吉隆坡一带出发,可以乘搭至小笨珍 Pontian Kechil的巴士客运,建议乘搭Maju公司。然后再在小笨珍的公车转运站,乘搭黄巴Kembara City。

If you are travel from Kuala Lumpur area, then you could take the long distance bus to Pontian Kechil. I would suggest to take the Maju Bus Company. Then transit at Pontian Bus Terminal and take the yellow bus Kembara City.

而从新山或新加坡出发的朋友,可以在新山的远途巴士转运站Larkin,乘搭96号Maju巴士至小笨珍公车转运站,再乘搭黄巴Kembara City(巴士票价为马币2.90)。

And if you are travel from Johor Bahru/Singapore, then you could take the Maju Bus 96 from Larkin towards Pontian Kechil Bus Terminal, and next transit to Kembara City which cost  around RM2.90.

Kukup Public Transport
图中的新加坡170号后面就是Maju巴士了The bus behind SBS cross border bus 170 is the Maju bus towards Pontian

Kukup Public Transport
Kembara City 巴士 Bus

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

龟咯美食 2 Kukup Food 2

上文提到这一家坐落于龟咯的餐馆-亚强美食中心,这一次还是要再次介绍他们其它美食 (呵呵,是的,身为半个当地人的我,光顾这家餐馆都已3、4次了)





1)中江米粉 Tongkang Bihun

2) 蚝煎
3) 鱼饼
4) 炸鸡翅膀


地址:No 84, Kukup Laut 82300 Pontian , Johor


龟咯美食 Kukup Food

龟咯Kukup,正名为龟咯港脚 Kukup Laut,坐落于柔佛州的西南边,是一个纯朴的华人渔村。(其实我觉得它的中文译名相当搞笑,好像香港脚的缩写)
Kukup, its official name is Kukup laut, located at the southwest part of Johor State, is a traditional Chinese fishing village.

If you plan to visit the southern tip of Asian Continent- Tanjung Piai , you should pay a visit to this adjacent fishing village as well, to have a good seafood meal at least.

This article mainly to introduce a seafood restaurant which even much welcomed by the local, its name is Ah Kneong Restaurant (as shown in picture below) 

The restaurant is pretty simple and located "inland ". There is not much nice fishing village scene around, which also part of reasons rarely outsiders would patronage (Hehe, not quite sure if this article is that influential ? )

To be fair, those seafood restaurants which located along the Kukup main road, weren't charging a too high price onto outsider, yet their food quality is not as tasty but more for a good seaview only.

从他们的招牌上,就知道他们的招牌菜是中江米粉,所谓中江其实是一种鱼,音译自Tongkang,一种中文我不知道该怎么称呼的鱼类。这种鱼类,根据当地人的说法,只能在龟咯、笨珍乃至Batu Pahat才可以吃到。因为当地渔夫很难捕到这些中江鱼,捕到的话,都留着自食、或仅供给相熟的熟食小贩如亚强美食中心。
From their banner, you will have an idea that their signature meal is the TongKang Meehun. According to the local , this TongKang fish rarely be seen elsewhere except the Kukup, Pontian up to Batu Pahat waters. Thus if a fisherman able to catch on this TongKang, likely they will keep it for their own consumption or only supply it to the familiar restaurant like Ah Kneong Restaurant.

TongKang Meehun as photo below, to be frank, its appearance doesn't really that appealing yet you will never know how tasty it is until you try it ! (Priced RM27, the price stated is the local price, they could have charged you higher)

The fish cake also looks very very normal as what we usually seen in market, but I bet you will immediately fall for it the second you bite it ! The reason is because it's very fresh from making. So the juiciness of the fish cake you won't be able to find in big cities (RM13 for big plate, and RM9 for small)

Goh Heong also not bad, but I did find the similar taste else where, so you do not need to label it as "Must eat" (RM10)

反而他们的炸鸡翅膀,一级棒!不是随便的丢入油锅里煎炸,而是加入了虾酱。我也不知道是不是虾酱使得炸鸡翅膀特别香脆可口,10分钟还不断冒烟出来。 (呵呵,由于这是我第二次到亚强美食中心吃炸鸡翅膀,一早就知道他们的炸鸡翅膀好料,所以没空腾出一只手来拍摄,要知道详情,就自己去试试吧!)(马币12元)
And the best food is their fried chicken wing, Ichiban! It's not those type of anyhow fried, but added with the prawn paste. (this was my second time visiting Ah Kneong, so I knew that chicken wing is just too tasty so forgot to take its photo, if you are curious, just try it yourself then !)  (RM12)

After eating so much heaty stuff, it's a must for a Liang Teh or herbal tea!

And before your departure, don't forget the Kukup Jelly, only one word able to describe the feeling - "Syok!"

如何前往?  How to go?

地址/Address:No 84, Kukup Laut 82300 Pontian , Johor

Ah Kneong Restaurant located at inland, thus it's pretty hard to find its location for first timer. From the Kukup Laut Ferry Terminal, take the small alley at the left hand side, walk straight and you will see 2 or 3 homemade jelly seller on your left, keep moving straight until you see a small little satay stall, turn right then you will find Ah Kneong Seafood Restaurant already.

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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

丹绒比艾国家公园 Tanjung Piai National Park

去了南马一趟,这一次去了大马最南的地方--丹绒比艾 Tanjung Piai,又或者称之为亚洲大陆最南端的一个地方。(我觉得称之为丹绒碧爱更加好)

说真的,去之前,我从来没想过大马有着一个这么棒的地方。 它着落在柔佛州的笨珍县内,从小笨珍出发,大约是25公里外,驱车前往大约是20分钟。 我觉得这个那么有着地理上显著意义的地方被我们政府给严重忽略去了,(以前怎么没啥读到它的新闻的?) 政府这样的心态,从通往丹绒比艾的路上可以看得到: 在转进丹绒比艾的马路,路况是多么的烂!一路都是石头,而且不平,实在冒汗。。。 也许这是政府苦心铺设的,他们不想太多的游客涌进这个号称大马好望角的地方,所以特地以烂路来阻止人们的到来。 不过丹绒比艾也是我们的国家公园,它是湿地保留区, 里面可以看到很多的不同种类的红树, 如果你对观鸟有兴趣,也可以攀上瞭望台看鸟(我自己则没这等雅兴了) 我最兴趣的是走到最尾端,一个可以真正看到亚洲大陆最南段的海边。 这一个国家公园不是非常的出名,所以很少游客的踪迹,但是我觉得如果你有机会去柔佛州,就不妨到这一个地方看看,响应政府的cuti cuti malaysia 嘛 入门票是大马公民5元,学生3元,外国人一律10元。

Sunday, September 9, 2007

笨珍云吞面 Pontian WanTan Noodle

朋友告诉我,这里有三间卖番茄云吞面的,他们的关系都是兄弟,呵呵,那么这可是一个垄断市场的生意了。 我们去了一间在笨珍市最大超市Billion后面的番茄云吞面吃。店名叫着兴兴。 他们的经营时间都是早上11时至下午6时。如果当你来到笨珍想尝试番茄云吞面,这间店却没有开,可以尝试在大财路的那一间(问路人好了,我自己没有去过) 店里面的布置就好像以前的南洋风,在吉隆坡已经很难找到这样风格的店了,只有小地方把这种风格保留着。 所谓的南洋风是何物?我自己的定义就是某种特定的物品摆设方式(很难说明白),加上一种浓浓的人情味,就好像兴兴的顾客,许多都是从小吃到大。

许多在新加坡工作的年轻人,周末回到了笨珍 ,依然会在午餐时间,买个番茄云吞面回家,与家人共享。 老板也会在弄面的当儿,问一问这一个年轻人:“你孩子的病可好多了?” 这就是所谓的南洋风了,简单的面条,加上一丝丝的温情。


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